Thursday, November 7, 2019

A New Park

We started our morning with a high amount of energy in this house.  I sent the kids to the trampoline before breakfast, but even after there was still a lot of bouncing and running.  After I fed Evie, I decided that school would be counter-productive without burning more energy off so we donned hats, gloves, and jackets and headed out for another exploring walk.  I decided to route us to a park just a few blocks away and we spent some time soaking in the vitamin D and swinging and sliding.

A tree on our walk.  Isn't it lovely?
I didn't realize how much they've missed our swing set (it's still in our old yard - to be moved soon since it's drying up again [thanks, Papa!]) until I saw them play.  The girls especially have missed the swings.  I felt bad - I could have done better getting them to the park in this interim period.
Zayden was pouty because it was time to go.
Evie fell asleep on our walk but she still got her fresh air and vitamin D - and took a huge nap when we got home.
Before we left...
I still stick with moving is hard but a park just around the corner isn't such a bad thing, now is it?

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