Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Fall Fun

Pictures and videos from the last few weeks that don't fit into a post of their own but are too sweet not to scrapbook.

October 18th...
Trying on Halloween costumes -
And slurping coffee -

October 30th...
Preschool -
with hot tea -
And Mia helping Mommy by brushing Zayden's hair after his shower -

November 1st...
Papa babysat these 3 while Natalee and I took Evalynn to her 2 month doctor appointment.  I came back worn clean through and it was precious to me to see them playing games.

November 7th...

November 8th...
Snuggles after a long day -

November 9th...
Napping in the sunshine like a kitty -

November 10th...
Another sun nap.  Do what works -
Learning to use her hands -
The sweetest Nativity narration - 

November 11th...
A grumpy morning that was made better by taking off her clothes.  Naked swaddle chats and naps for the rest of the day!
Her outfit was cute before we took it off, though.
Thumb sucker -
Glow stick bath - 

November 12th...
Mom remembers that this dolly is still new here and we're still getting to know each other.  All day long I told Evie, "I got you, baby."  
A table full of scholars -

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