Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

So much to be thankful for...
Evalynn was all decked out for her first Thanksgiving.  She was a champ at our large family lunch and at Grandma and Papa's afterwards.
Being held and being talked to are two of her favorite things and there was no shortage of those.
Sweet chats with Great Aunt Annette and Great Grandpa Bryce...
Taking a nap with Great Uncle Pat...
Talking to Grandma Num and getting a fresh diaper.
Some days are hard but there is a mileS long list of things to be thankful for in this house and we don't overlook that.
My 6 largest earthly blessings are my stronghold, Mike, and our five beautiful children.
{We can't take a decent picture but they are still my blessings.}  
We don't take for granted their health and our ability to homeschool them and to spend our days making memories together.
Thank you, Lord, for all of these and so much more.

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