Tuesday, June 30, 2015

'Round Here

Yesterday I wrote a pretty serious (for me) blog post on keeping the faith while child training.  

As you can see, we take ALL aspects of child rearing seriously...
 'Round here we teach 'em to dunk 'em and chomp 'em. :)
Despite how she looks, she really only had this one Oreo - whatever parts of it actually got to her mouth.
 She was so proud to be like the big kids. 
We don't have Oreos or cookies in our cupboard much so they are a pretty big deal.  Xavier was given some by Grandma and Papa to take camping and we had some leftover so they've been enjoying one here and there.  Mia had declined all offers previously (they are egg free!) but tonight she accepted.  I imagine she won't decline from here on out. 

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