Thursday, June 18, 2015


BASEBALL, oh baseball!  Have I really not blogged about our games since the second game?  Sigh.  Who would have thought I'd have less time to blog in summer than during school??  The season is going so well but we only have 2 games left - can't believe it's wrapping up already!
 They've both loved having their turn to play pitcher:
 Cutie baby ball siblings...
 Xavier playing third, his cousin, J, on third...

Since I took these, I'm going to do a full video dump of their hits.  They are sweet to watch and in a few years will be precious to look back on.  Mike's had to miss a few games for work so he especially appreciates having the videos...

Game 3:

Game 4:

Game 5:

Game 6:

Game 7:

Game 8:

Both kids have improved in their batting and fielding both.  We're proud of them and thankful for dedicated coaches!!

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