Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Lucky Leo

A few weeks ago we were at my sister and brother-in-law's and they offered the kids a little turtle.  Both said no and, not wanting to care for a turtle, I declined.  A mile from their house Xavier changed his mind so we turned back to get the little turtle.  He promptly named him Leo and, while he's too scared to pick him up, Xavier feeds him and chats with him daily.

The first night we made him a temporary shelter in a shallow box.  We didn't have any turtle food but offered him grass and lettuce (he said no thanks).

The next night daddy built him a new habitat in a deeper tub so he could really swim.  
Guess who is NOT afraid of Leo?  Sassy pants Mia!  Mostly because she wants to play in his domain I think but she reaches right in there and scoots him around at leisure.  The other day I turned around and Leo was in an old 2 cup measuring cup I had on the porch.  I don't know if she picked him up and put him in there or scooped him up in it but she was happily splashing in his habitat.  I saved him!
Xavier is waiting for Leo to turn into a ninja turtle...if that doesn't happen by summer's end we'll be releasing him back to the pond.  My niece offered us a companion turtle for Leo yesterday but I was afraid our box wasn't big enough for both so we decided against it.  For now, Leo is happy on the porch!

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