Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Timeline Grows

Our favorite days in Mystery of History are when we learn about Bible figures that we already know and are able to tie them to a bit of new information.  Recently we've learned about Abraham, Jacob & Esau, and Joseph.  Very fun to teach the children about Abraham and how he was a descendent of Shem ("hey, Mom, Shem is Noah's son from the ark!) and also to revisit the story of Jacob and Esau and watch them realize that naughty Jacob who betrayed his brother and father was the same Jacob we've talked about who is the father of "The 12 Sons", most especially our beloved Joseph whom we find so interesting.

Truly, history is a joy of mine and I delight in sharing these things with my children.  Very soon, we'll be adding a fun Community Helpers lapbook unit into our week so that the children can pull in some Social Studies in addition to their history studies.

The timeline remains one of the favored activities.  Before adding anything new the children take all the pictures off and put them back in order, telling a bit about each one as they stick it on.  They can put them in order (working together) with about 90% accuracy without my help (and even I sometimes have to look in the book!).  
 Such fun we are having!!

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