Monday, August 11, 2014

Matthew West + Newsboys In Concert!

Mike and I had the opportunity to see Matthew West and Newsboys in concert last week!  We love to worship with lots of strangers to awesome bands with awesome messages!
The big kids had a sleepover at Nannie and Vance's but we took Mia as our tag-along.  She is such an awesome baby.  

{lunch break, on the way}
Mia might have enjoyed all the attention of being the only child for a day!...something that will be hard to come by for her!

{Waiting for the concert to start}
trying out the ear covers!

As Matthew West played his opening song I put on the ear protection we'd borrowed from friends and she slipped off into dreamland.  She woke briefly a couple of times but never once fussed.  
We headed right home after the concert - Ameliya woke as we left the grandstand to look at all the lights (the concert was at a state fair) and we put her jammies on in the van, popped her in her seat and headed home. 

We stopped halfway home so I could feed her but after that she slept and stayed asleep as I laid her in her bed when we got home.  It was a fun night and I'm so glad we went, even if I am not quite young enough to stay out till 2:30 a.m. any more!

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