Monday, June 30, 2014

Mia Rolls! {Back to Tummy}

I noticed today that Ameliya was rolling over on her side very frequently and with good momentum.  I had no sooner told Natalee (who was playing beside Mia) that she'd be rolling any day now than the little turkey got up her gumption and flipped herself over onto her tummy.  Here she is practicing her new skills today - as you can see she has to pause to suck on her fingers for awhile.  She's really growing much too quickly for my liking!

Practicing the Ups

Just keep practicing.  We did this sans Daddy today but I wrapped her standing at the end of my bed so if something went amiss the bed would catch her.  Obviously I'd never put her in danger and wrapping feels and is much more secure when you are the one doing it than when you are the spectator.

{excuse the makeupless mommy}
 It was almost her nap time.  Sleepy little eyes...
I purposely twisted the rails of the wrap as I was putting them under and around us this time - I watched a youtube video last night and the gal did that with hers.  It was convenient and fast but not quite as comfy as being able to spread them over your shoulders. However, she was carrying a 6 week old newborn and I'm carrying a 15-16 pound whopper.  Ha!
 She makes quite a cute papoose!
Natalee carried her baby all morning, even before I wrapped mine up.  I'm working on teaching her pieces of the process to get her baby in this ruck carry.  As a Facebook friend of mine said this morning, "train them up in the way they should go..."
She's lucky - her baby doesn't pull hair. {wink!}

Sunday, June 29, 2014

Up We Go

I had an opportunity to watch a veteran babywearing mom do a back carry with her little guy today and picked up some pointers AND the ambition to try again for myself.  Overall, Ameliya is a pretty cheery gal, but her fussiest time is 5-7 at night...when I am flying solo and have to get supper done.  Don't know if you've ever tried to make supper while carry a baby in front of you but it ain't easy.  I was determined to master a back carry in some form. 

We have a long way to go but we're getting there!  Can't get there if you don't try, right!?  It seems that babywearing is very common in other countries and many youtube tutorials for different carries come from Australian mamas.  Mia likes it when I use an Australian accent when putting her up.  Ha - it makes us feel cultured.
I've heard a lot of questions about whether this is comfy for baby or not.  One thing I can tell you about Ameliya is that if she doesn't like something she'll let me know.  She does fuss a bit when I'm getting her into the carry but overall she was content while I was moving.  Obviously this isn't a carry you do while you are lounging around but when I'm out and about or making supper it's really handy to be able to put her on my back.  Sure, she likes the swing, she likes to play on the floor but sometimes she just needs mom.  She's a baby - that's kind of her "thing."  And I'm a mom - it's kinda my responsibility to meet her needs. {wink, wink}  She's my miniature love.

Speaking of mini-me's....
After watching me practice with Ameliya my other mini-me came to me and asked for help with her baby.  Her scarf/wrap is a little slippery- we need to find her something with more cotton in it, but I think she makes an adorable baby wearing little mama!
She's obviously more agile while wearing her baby than her mother is...

Family Tradition

We often eat lunch at my folks' house on Sundays after church.  It's a routine that my kids (okay, me too) love!  Around each of our birthdays, mom tries to make a meal/dessert that speaks to the birthday person's soul.  She made a giant cookie for Xavier last weekend and we celebrated with him.  It kicked off our week of celebrating his turning 4!

Party Success!

We celebrated Xavier's 4th birthday yesterday with immediate family and a few of his friends.  He wanted to cook hot dogs over a fire and, of course, rain was forecasted.  My folks graciously offered their garage so we'd be sheltered and despite several good rain showers he got to cook a hot dog on the fire.  
How blessed we are to have 2 sets of loving grandparents for our children and a whole slew of aunties, uncles, cousins, great grandparents, and friends.  Birthday parties remind me just how blessed we are, when people come together to celebrate the God given gift of one of our children.

Lauren let him open his TMNT umbrella before everyone arrived because it was raining - that quickly became the theme of the party and the children were soon all sharing and running through the sprinkles with umbrellas.
 I love 'em all sitting round the fire...what sweet memories they are making!

Have I ever mentioned how grateful I am for friends who let their kids play hard and get dirty?  What a relief to me that we can all relax and let them run through the rain, the wet grass, the mud and then sit around the fire and smell like smoke.  I'm so appreciative!

Xavier's friends and family really tuned into his likes - what a pleased little boy he was!  Legos, motorcycles, balls, a man apron for the ktichen, TMNT gear, outdoor toys, new shoes, construction worker clothes...all the things that keep little boys happy and busy!  I think I heard COOOOOL come out of his mouth 2 dozen times!
 Aren't they cute? ^
 Bad guys to go with our TMNT!
 ^ slide shoes like Daddy

Happy birthday, little dude!

Big thank you to everyone for the love you pour out on our family!

Winding Down the T-Ball Season

Natalee had three t-ball games this week.  Her dad had to work late on Thursday and missed her game and it showed in her concentration.  He was back on Friday and things went MUCH smoother for her!

Little brother and little sister have been good troops but I think they are about ready to be done with t-ball this year too.  Xavier wants to PLAY ball and Ameliya - well, she doesn't complain much as long as her tummy is full and she stays cool enough!

 Got a good hit both times on Friday!

 We did our annual matching shirt family picture.  Who doesn't love a family in lime green, right?  Forgive the wind blowing us around and the squirrely kids.  It's real life!