Monday, January 31, 2022

Week in the Life {Jan 23-29}

Monday we got to go back to co-op!  Oh the rejoicing!  Everyone was glad to go back and the day went smoothly.  Book clubs got canceled but we stayed and played games and let the kids hang out together.

I taught my little artists about Franz Marc and we did a spin off of his art piece Blue Horses

We had a blast with these!
Evalynn did not have any meltdowns in the nursery and she and friend, Sammy worked on sharing.  Such a hard thing to learn when you're both the youngest!
Natalee playing games with friends.
Evie brought Pengaloo and Aryana was sweet to play a round with her.
After we left co-op, we grabbed a sandwich for Aunt Annette and went for a nice visit.  She treated the kids to snacks and they helped take down her tree.
We had such a big day that Natalee decided to stay home from swim that night and just enjoy our evening as a family.

Tuesdays Natalee starts her day early with therapy at 7:30.  Mike was working nights so he stayed at her session with her.  We could have gone to mom's group but we'd had 3 busy days in a row and I was honestly beat, so we stayed home and just did school.  
With Mike on nights, evening practices were a little tricky, so Ev had to go along to Zayden's basketball practice.  We took flowers and worked on a garden while he practiced.
Then we had a vitamin C lolli...
And finished with running and stretching.

Wednesday was cold and Mia was very disappointed that her gymnastics class was canceled just because of the temperatures.  Mom was disappointed for her, too.
Keeping Ev occupied was a full time mission so we pulled out the water sink.
We did bundle up and get out to run everyone for chiropractor adjustments.
After that, just school, and then swim for Natalee.
Mom did a little mopping, and even though the sun wasn't too warm, it did look nice on the drying floor.
I taught a "life skills" lesson on making Easy Mac.  Let me tell you why....
When we were at the hospital with Mia in 2018 begging her to eat anything she finally decided she'd try macaroni and cheese.  I'd never made easy mac.  (PS I've also never made ramen.).  The microwave was up above in a counter spot and I overflowed water all down the counters and all over the floor.  I told myself then that even though easy mac is not great nutrition I would make sure my kids would know how to make it.  That overflowing macaroni in the hospital that day about sent me over the edge.
So it was easy mac lesson day.  Now they all know.
nap time...

Thursday we kind of just survived.  Natalee's hippotherapy ended up canceled so we didn't have to get out.  Xavier had basketball practice but Eric took him with Jace so I didn't have to get the little ones out with Mike at work.

Friday was supposed to be a fun day but it went awry.  After we got Mia home and settled a bit I went out and wandered a yard sale and the thrift store and cleared my head a bit.  I didn't find any treasures really but Zayden was impressed with these Paw Patrol pjs that I snagged and washed up for him.
The rest of the day was a bit off and we forgot about Natalee's swim practice.  Sigh.

Saturday started bright and early with a basketball game for Zayden.
After Zayden's game we ran to the Dollar Tree, then home for lunch, and back for Xavier's basketball game.
The rest of Saturday was spent resting and a nap for mom!

Friday, January 28, 2022

Why the Beelers Don't Make Plans {A Morning in the ER with Mia}

Mike worked a week of ten hour shifts into the evenings this week, which means he gets Friday off.  We loosely planned our day - a couple of errands and then thought we might run into the city to do some shopping, take the kids for a nice lunch, and take little Ev to use her Build-a-Bear gift certificate.  In anticipation, I was fixing Mia's hair special this morning, and right as I was finishing she said, "I've got to find a place to sit down," and then just like that she passed out cold.  I grabbed her arm as she fell so she only hit the side of her head on the closet door frame, thankfully.  Several seconds passed as I tried to rouse her, and when she finally came back to, she had some posturing that concerned me that looked seizure like.  In retrospect I really don't think it was, but my mom bells combined probably with some PTSD got me several shades of worried.  

Mike was out getting the little van looked at so I hit dial on my phone, put him on speaker, and explained what had happened.  He was there in a couple minutes, we decided she needed to be looked at, and loaded her into the bus.  These moments are when I so desperately miss our hometown.  I was pretty calm (for me) and clear headed.  I wasn't rushing or panicked.  I firmly thought she needed to be checked out but was still able to get dressed, get my purse, etc.  Back home I would have called our clinic and my friend, Steph, would have gotten her in and checked her over for me.  I would have had to take her to the hospital for some of the tests perhaps, but the level of trust is established and it means so much.  What I would have preferred to do in this town is call and get her into a doctor.  I would have liked to have kept her away from the germs and long waits of the ER.  But, while the pediatrician we see is fine, the level of care and trust is just that - fine.  We so often can't get into them (no sick kids, no fevers) and so recently had COVID (even though we are outside our isolation) that I just didn't even try.  So Mike dropped us off at the ER and went back home to be with the other children once we got checked in.  I do have to say that our ER here is very efficient, with very kind staff.  The couple of times we've used them we don't wait long and we aren't around other people (no sitting in a waiting room with tons of snots and coughers).  

After being admitted, we decided that the best thing to do was to run some baseline tests.  I really really thought this would be tied to blood sugar, as my dad and I have both struggled with low sugars over the years, but hers was completely in a normal range.  We decided to do some blood work, they did an EKG, and I requested a urine analysis because....well just because it's Mia.  I appreciated how the doc talked things over with me.  We decided not to do a CT as I didn't think she hit her head hard enough to warrant it.

After all that we found.....well, nothing really.  She did have some levels on the blood work that were borderline or a little off but nothing that was alarming in and of itself.  And so, we went home.

This was actually very hard for me.  You see, I really struggle taking my kids to the ER and walking out, "fine."  I know I should feel grateful, but for me ER visits are for big things.   So to me, this morning's episode was a big thing and it ended up not being and I can't let go of the fact that either we wasted time and resources or that something was missed.  My mom gut is unsettled.  I want to believe it's fine.  But there was that time that I told myself everything was fine and then it wasn't and I about let her kidneys go to waste, so..... yeah.

I spent the rest of the day in a funk.  Our plans were derailed, and I'm certainly not upset at Mia, but it was just disappointing.  My mom vibe was unsettled all day, to the point of verge of tears.  I wandered around the thrift store for awhile with no purpose (what I wouldn't give for a Target in this town).  Did some laundry.  Made supper.  It was fine.  The day was fine.  But it wasn't quite.  

Mia, however, seems fine.  She ate, played, worked happily on her Valentine box, and seems completely unfazed from this morning's events.  I should take lessons...

Snip Snip and Dot Dot {Cutting and Gluing with Evalynn}

I decided that it was time to give Evalynn a go at using our spring open loop scissors this week.  Children love snipping paper and once I teach my toddlers to snip I can buy myself all kinds of time schooling the other children while the little one happily sits and snips paper into confetti.  Confetti of course, because we would never call their hard work trash.

Before we began I asked Ev if she wanted to try cutting today.  She was very excited.
I've taught all our toddlers (and my former preschool students) to snip in basically the same way.  
First of all, I teach them using single loop spring open scissors.  Then I put their back to me, either having them seated on the table or standing in front of me.  We alternate hands and I watch to see if they have one that controls the scissors better or is stronger.  I make the paper into skinny strips so that their snips make confetti and they aren't trying to cut across a page - they aren't ready for that.  I hold the paper, until they are ready to take over.
Lastly, I try to close the activity before they get fatigued.  Evie acted like she could have cut for many more minutes, but when they are little and trying something new you want to end on a positive note.  She is just two after all, even though she wants to be so much bigger.
Does Evalynn need to do any school?  No, she certainly doesn't.  Does Evalynn want to be included?  Yes, she certainly does.  It's a balance.  What's right for my 2 year old might not be for someone else's and that's okay.
In order to transition away from the scissors without a meltdown at stopping the activity, I asked Ev if she'd like to do gluing next.  Gluing!?  She didn't know what gluing meant, but she readily agreed.
My tips for gluing with a tot are:
Use bottles, not sticks.  Let them strengthen their hands squeezing that bottle.  Let them get a little messy.  Let them figure out how to make a dot and not a puddle.  
Use a newer bottle with a clean, easy to twist tip.  Twist the tip open enough that they don't have to squeeze hard, but not open all the way.  This helps prevent the puddles.  
Expect messes.  Also expect the cutest facial expressions and chatter.  
After Evalynn cut her confetti, I quick cut her two white hearts out of cardstock.  She was able to glue her confetti to the hearts and in this way make a "themed" project all of her own.  She made "the big one for daddy" and was oh so stinking proud to present it to him at supper! 

I genuinely love teaching preschoolers.  My heart is in mourning that this is the last one to pass through our home and I wrestle with holding onto her babyhood and realizing that she wants more.  Teaching cutting, gluing, colors, writing, ABCs, calendar information, weather, learning to read + sensory play, painting, stamping, movement songs ....these are the things that make my heart pitter patter.  I do enjoy the time I get with my older children, and am so amazed at how much I learn teaching them, but nothing brings a nostalgic smile to my heart like a new little preschooler so excited to create and learn.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Beeler Christmas 2021

We had our final Christmas of the season on January 23rd.  We were supposed to have it New Year's weekend, but our crew was all down with covid.  A snow storm delayed it by another week, but regardless of when it is, it's always good to have family together.  My energy has been really down since covid, so we invited everyone up to our house and they were gracious enough to come and spend the day with us.

We started with brunch, and then the kids scurried off to play for a bit because they were so excited to be together.  Eventually they straggled back to the living room and asked about presents - as we were certain they would eventually - so we gathered round to exchange gifts.

Evalynn was very happy to play the role of youngest and go first! 
Lego Harry Potter sticker book - right up his ally!
Dreaming of what's in the package, perhaps?
Miguel and Mike both got coffee and were jesting at whose is best.
Legos are his love language.
A money bank safe like the 2 older kids have.
She loved this and has worn it a ton, kicking the ball around the house.  At least it can only go so far!
Caught this sneaker opening out of order....
It's fiiiinnnne...
A family gift of a leaf blower.  So excited for this!  The spilled birdseed in my garage is beckoning it's use.
Granny was sitting parallel to me with Mike between us, and I didn't do a good job of snagging her picture, unfortunately.  We went together with Kea and Miguel and got her and Papa a Skylight frame and I was very excited to gift it to them. I hope they get a lot of enjoyment from it.

After gifts there were new games to play, Legos to put together, books to read, visiting to do, and snacks to eat.  But first, a few pictures....
Playing Mystery Date Game
We made the girls a mermaid/ocean themed play-doh kit, but rather than them unpacking theirs, we got out our play-doh kits to play.
ocean snow man
Xavier got a set that goes along with the one Zayden got for his birthday.
We had our traditional taco ring/Americanized Mexican Christmas dinner for supper, which is always a highlight and a huge hit, and then it was, all too soon, time for our families to pack up to head back to Missouri.  It was a fast day, but we're so thankful we got it!