Sunday, January 26, 2020

Snow Fun

We have been getting our fair share of snow here in the Midwest, and while it has us a little cagey, it is beautiful.  The last couple of days the snow has been the perfect "playing" snow.  Temps have been low-mid 30s, the snow has packed well, and the kids have had a blast.  It was even "warm" enough for Evie to go out for a few minutes and get her first experience in the snow.  She doesn't love her snow suit but she does love being with her peoples.
Mia was excited to pull her buddy around.
Snow bunny.
After a few minutes I took Ev in to get warm and the kids built a huge snowman.  Evalynn knew she was missing out and fussed until I set her on the table (supervised) so she could see her people.
Look at that Frosty!
{wrapped baby back up to get in on the picture}
Dad helped the kids build a snow tunnel!!  They've enjoyed it a lot.
 King of snow mountain...
Love my snow crew.

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