Thursday, January 30, 2020

Five Months Old {Evalynn Nancy}

This beautiful girl is five months old.
She scooches like an inchworm, is starting to get up on all fours and rock, loves to put everything in her mouth, and has all but given up sleeping.   She is also a darling, and has become the family's princess.  The children make over her continually and she must grow on kisses, hugs, and pure love.
 She's also beautiful, has a killer smile and shiny blue eyes, and has gotten very expressive.
She's become a bit more cautious around people, and men's voices occasionally startle her.  Sometimes even her Daddy gives her a start if he talks and her back is turned or she doesn't know he's in the room.  Then her lip does a sad quiver and she lets out a slow but intense cry.
The amber necklace has helped with some of the excessive drooling and she doesn't have any teeth yet, but she gives her mouth a workout.
My heart, you beautiful girl.
 I kiss 'dem chins and neck rolls everyday.
Her eyelashes are growing longer, too, framing those baby blues.
So maybe I took too many 5 month pictures.  Oops.  not sorry
This is her, "mom, I'm over it" face, but look at those hands.  #poser

For your bonus viewing pleasure....
The expressions of Evalynn Nancy...

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