Monday, January 20, 2020

Lil' Red Riding Hood

Our sweet sweet lady in red...
Pretty cute for a little bonnie who had been on a sleeping strike, eh?
Dad got sent home from work early when the offices closed for weather on Friday, so this doll face and I curled up on my bed and took a nap.  Our post nap faces...
Favorite toys...
And other sweet Evie pics/videos...

No nap nelly...patting me while listening to read alouds with the big kids.
She's starting to mimic...

Evalynn, you are so very precious.  
Those eyes have such depth.
This is how she woke up this morning.  Little disarrayed....
She was so patient at our conservation class.  Napped a bit and then played happily with a toy.
Ack.  That face.  I'll squeeze it for you. 
It's been a hard couple weeks.  Despite the consequences to the "sleeping in our bed" practice that we've been doing, I scooped this little dolly up and held her while she napped this afternoon. Her sweet breath, and the weight of her body was just what I needed to let go of some of the anxiety.
Snorting when she laughs is her new thing, and I hope she never ever quits.

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