Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Bed Sleeping, Scooching, and All the Cuteness {Evie}

We have been working on helping Evalynn learn to sleep in her bed, especially at naptime.  Yes, I know, we could have started that a long time ago. We've enjoyed holding, rocking, and snuggling her these last four months, and still intend to do lots of that, but lately she hasn't been sleeping well in our arms, so it was time for her naps and bedtime to become a predictable routine for her so that she can learn to relax, unwind, and sleep well.  Until the four month regression, she slept well in her bed at nighttime (working on getting that back!), and during the day napped near us in the swing, chair, or on mom, but she's losing that "baby" ability to sleep through all our chaos that comes with maturity and growing up.  After 5 kids, we know that solid naps and good nighttime sleep for everyone makes us all cheerier during the day.

She's been rolling to her tummy to sleep.  I check on her a lot.  I have anxious mommy syndrome.  I'd like to say I'll get better, but actually it's gotten more acute after 5 kids.  I definitely understand that nothing is certain and life is so very precious.
Good morning!!!
She is growing so quickly and doing something new everyday.  She can successfully get all the things to her mouth, and delights in taking out and putting in her own pacifier.  She scooches everywhere and *can* roll both ways if she wants to.  Sometimes she yells until one of the kids rolls her over, thus successfully training them all to serve her.
Good sleep is making for happier days for all of us.
Naptime in her bed.  I took away Drips after she fell asleep. She loves to have something to hold.  In a couple months I won't worry so much about her getting things against her face, but she's still very little even though she's so active.

Look at her hold onto the book while we read...

Bible study with Daddy to wind down for bed.

Dr. Heather asked if she could tripod sit and, while I was certain she could, I put her to the test this week.  🗹 Got it!
She's so curious.

She doesn't like to be alone.  Ever.

Last night was our best sleeping night.  She nursed twice, but I put her back in her bed instead of being lazy and putting her in her little safe sleeping nest in our bed.  She slept until 9:00!  Look at that morning face.
Post breakfast snuggles.
Almost nap time...
I'm working on enjoying our days, not just surviving them, and teaching this precious sugar how to be her best is part of that.  One step at a time.

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