Friday, January 31, 2020

Evie's World

In Evie's world the skies are blue and the clouds are white when she's being held and she's the center of attention.
She's such a happy girl as long as we are near. 
Getting ready to go to the library and she couldn't see out of her seat and doesn't like to be alone in there.  I love how she just handled it.  She's such a hoot.
Two of the kids had appointments in St. Louis this week and Ev was mom's ride along.  She was trying out some new facial expressions after the extended car time.  🤣
I think her little mouth hurts a bit, but the expressions are hilarious.
Grandma Num and Papa kept Mia and Zayden at their house while we were in STL.  We had planned to pick them up and go on home, but about 20 minutes from their house, Evalynn absolutely lost her cool.  She was all done with the car seat and the traveling.  So we called it a night and stayed over at Grandma and Papa's.  She was much better once she got out of the seat, stripped down, and got to stretch out.  Look at girlfriend getting up - so strong!
Today she was a bit frumpy - likely residual feelings from 3 days with travel involved, likely some teething symptoms, too.  We did lots of snuggles,
she played on the floor a little bit,
and when all else failed, mom got out the old wraps and tucked her close.
We ended the night with a milk pop,
a nice warm tummy tub, oils, and more snuggles.
Some days it's Evie's world, and we're just living in it.

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