Tuesday, January 7, 2020

{Friends} 💜

The Sniders came up to see us and spend the afternoon/evening on New Year's Eve.  Were I a savvy party planner, I would have had fun new year's activities planned, but as it was the children played, we ate, and we had such a good time visiting.
It was not lovely outside, and the children were playing tag in the house, so we did bundle them up and walk over to the PAC to let them run off some energy.
Benefits of campus living!
This baby fought the sleep all the day and the night before...
We're so thankful for friends who choose to make time to do life with us, even when it's not "easy."  

We were supposed to get another friend day with the Weltes but sickness interrupted those plans. We are so sad to have missed our time with them, because we are selfish people we geniuenly enjoy our time with them.  I'd been saving my word count so I could word spew for hours!  We are ever so thankful for their carefulness in spreading germs, though, especially in light of having a new baby.  My anxiety is sky high about her getting ill, no matter how I try to calm myself.  We plan to see them as soon as God wills it!

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