Sunday, September 22, 2019

Now We are Seven

Sometimes when I'm head-counting and making sure all the children are accounted for I get to 5 and think "mercy that seems like a lot."  Ha.
Five very unique personalities.
Five very different people.
Five very differing opinions.
Five dynamic humans.
Five very loved children.

We had a family wedding yesterday and took the opportunity of us all being semi-dressed up to snap a family picture.
 Aunt Lauren played the role of photographer and took several for us quickly.

My handsome boys.  Xavier is looking off, but it was too cute of Bam Bam to not save.
Our sweet daughters.  Five years between each of them, just like my sisters and me.

And now we are 7!

My fabulous five...

And my wedding date for the last 17 years...
We're thankful for this family that God gave us.

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