Thursday, September 12, 2019

Evalynn's Newborn Portraits

Simply because I didn't get anyone booked, I ended up doing sweet Baby Evie's newborn pictures myself.  I haven't done any of the kids' newborn photos myself except Xavier's and although I was sweating by the end (and we did it over two mornings) we had 'fun', that is once I convinced her to be sleepy.  Sure, a professional would have yielded more props and fun backdrops, but overall the focus is the baby and I tend to think she's quite sweet sans props.  I would like to get a family session booked soon somewhere, somehow, with someone.  {fingers crossed}
I wanted sweet pictures in this little skirt and headband so bad and she was quite a stinker about it.  Sigh.
 {baby toes}
The best pictures of her were when I simply gave up.  She fell asleep with her blankie draped over her and stirred anytime I tried to pull it off, alas, I just left it.
 but look how peaceful...
{baby fingers}
double chins...
a hint of a smile...
 dem cheeks though...
{baby ear}
she has the the sweetest pouty mouth...
Evalynn Nancy is 2 weeks old today.  We are still getting to know each other and mom is still recovering, but these have been a sweet sweet two weeks and Evie is so dearly loved by the entire family.

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