Thursday, September 12, 2019

Daycare Line-Up

Yesterday Mia was working really hard through play in the house while the rest of the kids were playing outdoors.  She was tending to many many babies and moved them all carefully over to the couch to take their picture.  Then she came over to me, serious as a heart attack, and asked, "Mama, can I borrow your baby?"


Turns out she just needed her for a picture.  Little sister wasn't overly pleased but also wasn't harmed in the process of posing for a picture for big sister's daycare portrait. 

{just the right size}

Mia reminds me a lot of me.  I can remember lining up my babies and playing daycare and wishing one day I could be a mommy.  Here I am, five babies deep, and realizing I'm living my dream.  I would do well to remember that more everyday instead of letting the stress of life interfere with my happiness.

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