Thursday, September 5, 2019

Going Home!

We stayed at the hospital until Saturday morning just to rest and recover well before going home.  Dr. Heather came mid morning and discharged Evalynn and I both, and the nurses helped us check out and get us on our way.

Mommy decided to give Evie a little clean up before getting dressed.
She loves having her hair washed.
Natalee and I picked a sweet little summer outfit for Evalynn's coming home outfit.  It was sleeveless and shorts.  Ha.  Turned out that it was 60 degrees the day we brought Evie home.  Aunt Lauren saved the day with this darling coming home set.  I hand washed it in the hospital Friday night and it was ready for Saturday!
 Enough of this, mom.  Let's go!

I forgot to take our picture with her before she was buckled in so we had to do a selfie!

She was a doll and slept all the way home.  We showed her around, Mommy showered, we took a nap, visited with Aunt Beth, and then the rest of our troop came home.
Sweet girl all ready for our first night at home.  She wasn't a good sleeper (that's gotten better!) but it was nice to be home nonetheless!

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