Thursday, September 5, 2019

Evalynn Meets the {Siblings}

Evalynn is such a loved little darling. 

Mom and Dad brought the rest of our troops down the evening Evalynn was born.  We were so excited to introduce them to her and her to them.
Evalynn, you will have a special bond with Natalee.  You'll look to her for love and advice and understanding.
Evie, Zayden will be your partner in crime.  You'll have to be quick to keep up with him and he'll probably lead you slightly astray at times.  You'll be frenemies but I think he'll always be looking out for you in the end.
(Zayden declared, "not much hair!")

Evalynn, Xavier will be your protector.  He'll want to keep you safe and cared for and he'll never want you to want for anything.  If ever you need someone to feel sorry for you when you're being disciplined, Xavier is your guy.

Evie, Mia is your buddy.  She'll make sure you don't get away with anything she didn't(!) but she'll also be in for a good time.  She'll help you be fancy and she'll hold your hand when you're scared.  Mia will always be proud of you.

And now there are five...
You all are beautiful.  We love you so much.

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