Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Three Months Old {Zayden Samuel}

Such a sweet sweet boy.
He's battling a little cold, but you'd never know it by looking at him.  He still has his smile and chuckles, and his coos.  If I could just get him to hack up the snot in his throat he'd be fine.  (ha)  No fever, still eating, sleeping, and playing right on schedule.  I'm watching him closely to make sure it stays that way - sick babies are no joke - and praying it passes quickly.  Ameliya had a cold last week so I assume she shared with all her lovings. 
 Zayden is such a love.  He's charming and flirty and precious.
His hobbies include watching his brother and sisters play, snuggling with mommy and daddy, eating, and telling big windy stories.
 It's been a wonderful three months.  Hectic and trying at times, but such a beautiful time full of love.
{from last night} He's really starting to love his "lovey."  So cute how he falls asleep...
What a sugar.  He's so sweet when he's falling asleep.
We love you, Sammy man!  It's been a great 3 months!

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