Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Puny Little Pony & Curly Girl Hair

Our curly headed girl loves to have her hair fashioned.  She's a bit divalicious with the hair and the dresses and the jewelry.  {Look out, Daddy!}

She's been begging for weeks for a pony like Natalee's.  I couldn't take it any longer and finally gave in today.  The front is still too short but the top was just long enough.  She's so proud and wore it all day.
 That wry little grin.  Be still my heart.
I thought she wanted it out, then realized after many tears that she didn't want the flower.  So then we had to put it back in sans flower.
 The "thank goodness you finally understood me" face.
We started the day with a headband before the ponytail, which she looked just as sweet in.  Mercy, I hope I don't teach her to be vain!
Sweet baby curls.  Xavier had curls like these and I was devastated when we had to cut them.  I'm glad Mia's can stay - I hope she keeps the curl!

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