Monday, February 15, 2016

Solar System Unit Wrap-Up

We are wrapping up our unit on the universe.  What fun we've had and we've learned so much!  I say "we" because I learned just as much as the children, I think.  Natalee's knowledge has surpassed my own because she likes to read encyclopedias for fun and she knows random facts like Saturn has seven ring groups and Neptune has thirteen moons (things she spouted off to me today while we were doing our project and that I had to google just now to double check).

At the end of our Science book there was the dreaded super exciting "make a solar system model" project.  I knew it was coming.  I knew it needed to happen.  I mean truly, what fun is 36 lessons on the universe if you don't get to make a solar system at the end??  So, last week when we went to the fire expo and were in a city with a craft store, I went in, armed with my needed list of styrofoam ball and stick sizes, ready to find what I needed.  God smiled at me and, as I walked through the store, there in the middle aisle sat these boxes...
Well, well, well..$10 with a 40% off coupon.  I don't mind if I do.  {That was easy.}

It sat on the hutch all last week, waiting for Daddy, because Daddy enjoys these projects so much more than Mommy.  Alas, all of Daddy's spare time has been spent on the bathroom remodel and Mommy needed to step up to the plate, and so today we did it.  It actually wasn't too bad - the kids LOVED it, and it looks pretty neat.  I mean, painting with youngsters is painting with youngsters, but they did a good job.

I put the names of the eight main planets in a bowl and had the big kids take turns drawing them out so they knew what they were to paint.  It was the fairest way I could think to do it, and no one complained.  We gave little sister the sun and Pluto because we knew she'd be dying to be included.
I got out our Solar System resource book and the children were responsible for looking up their planets to see what colors they'd need to mix and use.
 Xavier was responsible for Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Earth.
 Natalee was responsible for Uranus, Neptune, Mars, and Mercury.
Luckily the sun was large and took Ameliya a good long time.  She also painted her plate for awhile which kept her busy.
The kit also sent a ring to display the model in, which we aren't using because we're going to hang it, so Ameliya got to decorate it, also.

Waiting for them to dry...

The children did not appreciate the kit's suggestion of assembling the planets in a different way than the order they know them to be in.  Trying to explain to them that the stick length indicated the planet's order more so than the way they were arranged around the sun was fruitless.  To please them and their youthfulness, I obliged them and put the planets in "order." 
As soon as she saw big brother and sister holding the model and posing, here came little britches calling, "me, me, me."
I know you all wish you were going to have a solar system model hanging in your school room/dining room!
Next we start a 12 week unit on weather!  Natalee is so excited!

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