Sunday, January 17, 2016

New Lovey for My Love

All three of our other kids have had "loveys."  Natalee had Scout (a soft dolly), Xavier had a minky satin blanket, and Ameliya has her Kira dolly and a muslin blanket.  I was shopping with Zayden's Grandma Betty Christmas money the other day and decided I should have boughten him a lovey for Christmas, so I ordered him one.  I think it's so cute.  My mom mentioned Winnie the Pooh the other day and he's been on my mind...he's cute, he's classic... 
It's very soft, compact, and sweet.  We'll see if it becomes lifelong love... 
He likes to hold something in his hands while he sleeps (or clasp his hands) so I put Pooh between his little fists for his nap while we were snuggling Friday.
 Sigh.  Such a cutie.

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