Friday, January 1, 2016

More Fun in 2016

We're starting 2016 off with some FUN.  Xavier and Daddy took Uncle Miguel along to watch the new Star Wars movie in the theater.  

Though we didn't all go, we're having "Star Wars family day" with the matching shirts that Miguel and Kea got us for Christmas. {Nerd alert!}
 Mia has learned the word "Yoda" and keeps pointing to him on her shirt.  #toddlernerd

Since the boys are away, we girls decided to have a little fun of our own!  Natalee laid out plans for a Mary Poppins and Annie marathon.  Such loooong movies!
 I made a big bowl of popcorn and got out some UNREAL chocolate coated candies.
 The little one didn't make it all the way through Annie - she had to take a sleepy.
 Zayden Sam visited awhile but also didn't make it through both movies!
Here's to more fun and memory making in 2016!

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