Saturday, November 29, 2008

on a lighter note...

...we are very ready to meet our baby! mike just realized that we actually will be bringing this baby home after our stay at the hospital and that it will be ours forever, so he's still processing that...but he also thinks its high time he got to hold his child in his own arms.
the bags are packed, the house can use a little tidying up (hopefully i'll get to that soon), the car is fueled and vacuumed and my body is getting there...

hopefully soon...


Bree Shaw said...

it will be very soon! i will be praying for a healthy baby and a good delivery.

Shonya said...

chuckling--Alan said when we drove from the hospital with Briana he kept looking in the rear view mirror, sure someone would come after us saying we couldn't take her home--he felt so unprepared and like he had no idea what to do/how to do this, so why were people actually letting him take this vulnerable little baby home???!!!! :)