Tuesday, November 25, 2008

oh puke!

Did anyone else get nauseous before they delivered? I feel like I'm back in the first trimester---I remember now how much I hated the first trimester. I feel like I'm gonna hurl...
So, tell me..is this tell-tale signs of labor?...
or do I have the flu?


Erin said...

GO HOME!! Go rest, we can surely make it the next day! Take care of yourself, whether is flu or baby Beeler preparing for arrival!

Bree Shaw said...

i would say baby beeler is getting ready to enter the world:) isn't it exciting? did you have a drs appt yesterday? if so what did you find out?

Finding Joy in the Journey said...

i have an appt. today & he's going to check me to see where i'm at and if my cervix is favorable...i don't even know what in the heck that means but i'm feeling pretty dang favorable!

Corin said...

I was nausaus when I was having really hard contractions, but not before labor. Missery is a sure sign your about to deliver though. Once you hit that point where you are seriously uncomfortable every minute of everyday, it's time.

Andrea Frederick said...

Call me when you are headed home and I will help you get things organized. I MEAN IT! If you don't, I will stalk your front door. Love you...might want to take that hospital bag with you today:)

Angie said...

I was sick at the end, maybe even more towards the end then the beginning. Hopefully it won't be long for you.