Monday, November 10, 2008

i don't...

...feel good. my throat is raw & my head is full of junk. i can't tell if its a cold or if this baby is just cramping my respiratory style. either way, i feel crummy today and have to stay until 5 or after because we have a staff meeting that doesn't start until 4:00. yuck! the rest of my week is a rushed blur...i can't take a sick day because i screwed up a testing deadline and have to get a student tested so erin can write the report and we can have the meeting by thursday! if only i could keep my head off my desk...

happy monday to you all...hope your's is looking more positive than mine.

on a positive note, i had a really nice baby shower saturday...more about that on a day when i'm not feeling so whiny.


Bree Shaw said...

i am sorry you feel so crummy! nothing worse than feeling like that on a monday. hope you get to feeling better!

Corin said...

I'm sorry you don't feel well. Keep that head up. Just think of being busy as a welcome diversion. I loved being busy at the end of my pregancy made things go so much faster.

Andrea Frederick said...

that stinks. i remember one time being pregnant and sick and almost having a panic attack b/c i couldn't breathe. hope you start feeling better and just be glad your are sick while that baby is basically "maintenance free."!