Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week in the Life {Monday-Thursday Homeschool}

We had a great week of school.  Evalynn has fought a cold, but as long as mama held her we did okay.  Hold her I did - until my arms ached, but I was able to teach reading, math, kindergarten, history and more with her nestled close and the kids were very forgiving when our place was slower than usual.

Mia was wishing spring to come along with head to toe floral on Monday.
Good morning, naughty baby.
Teacher's helper...
Working with Mia on numbers - making sure she understands them forwards, backwards, and upside down.  Find 64.  What's before it?  What's after it?  Count by 10's.  Etc.
I made a point to get out more of Mia's supplemental books so that her school days aren't just math and reading and she really enjoyed that this week.
I love this preschooler of mine.
A glimpse at our norm.  Natalee's at the math computer.  Xavier is working on reading.  I'm teaching math to Mia.
Bedtime didn't come early enough for this boy on Wednesday. 
Natalee just reads right through the chaos.
The foosball table my folks brought has been a huge hit.  It's downstairs in the rec room now, but it was in the garage this week, and they would all bundle up and go out there and play.  In their jammies.  Dedication.
We love homeschooling because we can make it meet our needs wherever we are.  Teaching from the recliner or snot covered with a baby strapped to my chest isn't my first choice, but I'm thankful I have the choice and get to spend my days with my best people.
Bonus picture -
Our kids love our colored chick peas so Zayden and I sent some to Theo to play with because his mom always has a fun sensory table out for him.  We sure do love this buddy.

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