Wednesday, March 18, 2020

A Shiny New Tooth

I woke up this morning
With my usual {smile}
But I have something new
And it took quite awhile.

No one noticed
This change right away
But there was a {TOOTH}🦷
In my grin today!

Actually, Mommy noticed that tooth almost first thing this morning, because I've been checking.  Evie has had her finger in her mouth, playing with that sharp little tooth most of the day, see what all it can do and what the fuss is about!
Right here, mama, do you see?
{She has feelings about me looking at it - I promise this was only about 5 seconds of her life.}
See, she's fine?
It's not tall yet, but it is completely through.  One shiny tooth at 6 months and 2+ weeks.
It's been a sober few days because teething is hard work.  A lot of clenched jaw and gum rubbing, comfort nursing and chewing.
One down, how many to go?  {smile}
What you can't see is her cheering section of two big brothers and two big sisters behind me, congratulating her on her new tooth!
We love you Evie-lynn

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