Sunday, March 29, 2020

Evalynn is 7 Months!

Our sweet Evie is 7 months old.
The expression in this photo most assuredly describes Evie's demeanor.  Dominant.  Loud.  A force.  And so precious.
I could have edited out the bruise on her head but it also describes Evalynn's personality.  She's pulling up and letting go and she crawls over and around and gets into everything.  She's a bruiser.
Isn't she precious, though?
She's got her 2nd tooth almost through so there are a few less than precious moments around here this week, but she's still our little sweetheart.
She's getting new facial expressions.  They are to die for ornery.
Evalynn's tender life is being touched by a global pandemic and we are trying not to lament the memories she isn't getting to make with those we love outside of this house.   
She is loved, here and by others in our lives, and we are thankful that we can feel that love across the miles. 

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