Monday, March 23, 2020

Tunnel and Tent Fun {COVID-19 Bucket List}

The kids and I made a "bucket list" of fun things to do while we're socially isolated.  One of those things was a camp out in the living room in pop up tents.  No time like the present, we went ahead and let them do that Saturday night.

Xavier, generous brother, brought up the pop up tunnels for Evalynn and she LOVED them!
What fun!
The kids have chased Evie and peek-a-boo'd with her through the tunnel for 3 days straight now, and it's still not old.  I'm impressed by Evie's bravery!  I think all of our others were cautious about the tunnel at first, but not this girl.
Is this picture not precious?  These babies of ours.
Grandma and Papa sent the kids a chocolate eating snapchat, so we sent them this one back!  We're so thankful we have technology during this time of isolation.

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