Monday, December 23, 2019

The Weekly Review {Dec 9-Dec 14}

December 9th...

December 10th -
Zayden loves his new Mario shirt...
We love our Jesse Tree December tradition...

December 11th - 
Zayden taking his turn mashing potatoes...
Scrunchy nose...

December 12th - 
Trying on headbands that Miss Debbie loaned us...
and booties!
Ev thought she wanted a bite of chili...
Home Alone on Mom and Dad's bed...

December 13th - 
We had lunch at the Conservation Department.  The program following was about hibernation and the kids got to see a hedgehog.
Snuggling with my gal...

December 14th - 
Zayden loves his "Buddy Elf" PJs...

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