Sunday, December 29, 2019

Four Months Old {Evalynn Nancy}

This little blue eyed sassy pants is four months old today!  She is going through "wonder weeks leap 4" so it's been a bit harder the last week or so, but there's also been a lot of holiday excitement and travel so she can't be to blame for all of the unrest.  And I do mean unrest.  The girl who used to sleep all night isn't quite making it our 6-8-10 hour stretches at night any more.  Hopefully we'll get back to that someday!
Isn't she a precious peapod?
She has figured out that she can hold toys and put them to her mouth!  Everything in the mouth.  All day, everyday.  Toys, clothes, blankets, fingers.
Her beautiful eyes...
Evie is beloved by the whole family.  She gets constant attention and as a result she hates to be alone.  She rolled one time, and only one time, and she's never done it again.  I'm beginning to see glimpses of a daily routine and I'm thankful for that.  Of course, being the youngest of five means routines are flexible, too.
Her big smile, though....and that tongue!
After a few days of being upset at him for whatever reason, she's back to loving Daddy almost as much as mommy.
She is rounding out and her thighs are perfectly squishy.
Being naked is her favorite and a bad mood can usually be remedied by stripping her down to her diaper.
Evalynn Nancy, you are joy.  We are so thankful for the light and love you bring to our family.

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