Wednesday, December 11, 2019

A Week{ish} In the Life [Nov 29-Dec 8]

Nov 29th -
snuggling this sugar lump...
Batman in da house...
daddy and his neck candy...
snapshot from Ev's 3 month pictures

Nov 30th -
Batman doing some house cleaning...
story time with Daddy...

Dec 1st -
a BIG parkour ouch for little Zayden...

Dec 3rd -
snuggling this guy, too...

Dec 4th - 
The view in front of me...
The view behind me...
sweet napping baby...
sweet smiling baby...
sweet baby at bath time...

Dec 5th - 
Warm enough for a picnic outside...
mom's silly love bug...
riding scooters to take banana bread to daddy at work...
she fell asleep on the walk home and transferred to her swing like this...
taking a break!

Dec 6th -
the cutest baby...
played until she passed out...

Dec 7th -
napping before party time...

Dec 8th -
building with new toys after the Christmas program (I made Mickey Mouse!)...

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