I actually had an early start to my morning and got in Bible study and most of my veggies for the veggie tray worked up before the children rose. As the children puttered down the stairs at their leisure, they munched on easy breakfast foods and fruit and watched the Thanksgiving parade.
Mike was helping his Dad with a house project (so nice to return a favor after all he's helped us with!), so I did little girl hair and started helping kiddos get dressed.
Ameliya is a demanding hair style girl and constantly challenges my expertise. Adelyn opted for two (fresh) braids again and we tied ribbons on the end. Ignore the #reallife in the background and enjoy the cute girl in the picture.
This year was a Beeler Thanksgiving year, so we went to Mike's Aunt Penny's/Uncle Denny's to spend the day with family. I made our kids do pictures before they ran off. I didn't do a cousin picture, though, because it simply isn't complete anymore without Isa. Soon!
My man for the last 16 Thanksgivings...
We ate too much good food, enjoyed visiting, the children played hard, and we shared many laughs. We missed Kea, Miguel, and Isa, but they were absolutely where they needed to be - at home getting to know each other and resting.
Mike and Grandma Betty playing chicken foot...
Papa George and Zayden taking a break with a show on the iPad...
The littles having some water bead fun...
AJ taste testing the pumpkin bars she helped make. She gave them 2 thumbs up!
Mia whole heartedly approved of Breanna's homemade healthy Jell-O. She became a Jell-O addict this summer when she was so sick.
Candy cane at Thanksgiving? Sure. (grin)
I'm so thankful for the 1-on-1 time we had with this girl this week. We really got to know each other, and as an aunt it's a delight to see her come to me with a hug or a story or a need. We enjoyed treating her to "fun auntie/uncle" things this week!No nap Thanksgiving meant she crashed after she ate an early supper. She's precious though.
She roused for jammies and a craft. Thanks, Aunt Penny!
We hope your day felt as full of love as ours did!
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