Friday, November 9, 2018

Celebrating Our Boys!

Xavier turned 8 in June, right smack dab in the middle of Ameliya's hospitalization and surgery.  We celebrated as a family at home but he never got to have his celebration with his grandparents, aunts/uncles, and cousins and it super bummed him out.  We decided to partner his very late celebration with one a week early for Zayden and celebrate our boys together!

We had our immediate family over for soups, hot dogs, and some easy sides and enjoyed an evening of eating, presents, and more eating.  We're so thankful for family who took time to celebrate the gift of our sons!

Daddy bought Ninjago decorations and we had a loose Lego theme!

New winter boots...
An Optimus Prime transformer for older kids.  Turns out little boys and middle age boys like pretty much the same things...
This boy loves Batman and other superheros and transformers!  He also loves presents that involve those things. (wink)
Peanut butter frosted cupcakes are our favs!

A happy, tired little boy holding his Bumblebee transformer!

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