Friday, September 22, 2017

Solar Eclipse 2017

August 21, 2017 there was supposed to be this big historic solar eclipse.  I tried to get Mike to take the day off, because total darkness was just 2 hours south of us where his sister lives but he wasn't able to get the day so we stayed home.  I did buy the glasses and it was really awesome....the first hour anyways.  We got ourselves so excited when it started a little after 11...
 Xavier was the most excited!
By the time the eclipse was supposed to cover us in 97% darkness, big gray rain clouds had covered the entire sky.  We were so disappointed.  I about cried, because Xavier was so sad.
There is supposed to be another eclipse in 2024, while all 4 of our children will still be school age.  I will get us to an area of totality, even if I have to go alone!  Those who got to view totality really had a remarkable experience.
This guy stayed protected from the sun up on the porch, and found the whole experience utterly hilarious.

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