Friday, September 22, 2017


I am not artistic.  I desperately want to be, but I just always fall short of the vision in my head.  However, when you homeschool, someone has to give your kiddos art experiences, so I've been trying to do something (beyond drawing, markers, etc) every couple of weeks.  

We learned about Michaelangelo in history so I pulled that over into an art lesson.  We read a children's biography about him, and then pretended like we were painting the Sistine Chapel, having to paint laying on our backs!

We also learned about Leonardo DiVinci in history so I pulled in an art lesson where we drew inventions!  

In morning time one day we read the poem The Sugarplum Tree and it inspired me to let the children draw candy trees.  They thought that was fun!
Zayden used markers, the rest of the children used oil pastels as their medium.

Natalee, age 8

Xavier, age 7

Ameliya, age 3

One day we designed "dream houses."
He really loves markers!

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