Friday, September 15, 2017

Sleepover with Theo

We got to host Theodore for a sleepover in early August.  He was genuinely such a good boy and seemed to just enjoy being around all the other kids.
 He ate like such a good boy!  Pretty much anything I offered, he tried.
We all had a new protein, sugar free cookie recipe.  It was 4 thumbs up, and a Mia...
Theo loves to play outside.
The big kids got some game time in while all the little ones napped.
Little sweetie laid right down at bedtime...
pre-bedtime snuggles...
pat-pat-pat, buddy
{my heart}
Theo well, only getting up once, and then work up to snuggle with GiGi in the morning.
The little boys were excited to get up and realize the other was still there!

We consider it a privilege to be entrusted with the care of our nieces and nephews at any age.  Our kids are all ready for another "Teddy sleepover."

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