Monday, April 27, 2015

The DIY Homeschool Planner

{Nerd Alert}

I made my own homeschool daily planner this year.  The level of excitement about this planner is truly where the "nerd alert" comes in.  I can't help it.  Who doesn't love a good all in one lesson planner/calendar?  (Just me?  Okay, skip this post.)

In lei of trying to "drive" you through the planner with photos, I made a video.  It took many tries to not be interrupted.  It got long.  Apparently I was lonely and enjoying your company.
I felt admittedly dorky talking my way through a planner.  However I appreciated the couple of videos I watched of other people showing their planners so I thought I'd join in the club.  

Stop.  Did you love the looks of the planner we used for last year?  The one I bought?  No judgment here!  Purchase yours for 2015-16 here:
I misquoted by a little.  In the video I think I said it was $25-30.  It was on the lower end of that...$20+ shipping.  Like I said - it's been a nice planner, just a bit cumbersome to carry!

The link to these calendars ^^  

The link to these calendars ^^ 
The sheet on the right is one I designed.

This sheet and many others (including the goal sheets), plus the inspiration for some of the other things I designed and included came from:

 I designed the log sheets. 

Overall I'm quite pleased and am starting to fill things in.  I'm ready to start lesson planning (I know, we're not quite done with this year's lessons yet!).  I anxious for the larger binding spines to arrive and to get tabs for the divider pages so it's even easier to utilize.  If you make your own planner I'd love to see it!

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