Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015

I love Easter.  I love celebrating our risen Savior.  I love gifting our children with things when they aren't expecting anything.  There is no pressure on the Easter Bunny - sometimes he brings just food, sometimes trinkets, sometimes books, sometimes gifts.  You can't request anything from the Easter bunny so the children are just delighted if they get anything.  It's a win-win in my book.
 Both their batting gloves were too big.  Boo.
 He wants to wear deodorant sooooo bad.  The best I could find at Wal Mart.
 ^ Mia's face. ^
 She had her first UNREAL chocolate covered candy today.  She's a fan.

This is the first year my children weren't color coordinated.  On top of that I didn't even take a family picture like I do every year.  Or pictures of my kids dressed up.  Fail.  Maybe next week!

The kids did sing at church and their dad took pictures.  That counts for something, right?
After church we had lunch and an egg hunt with my extended family.  The food was great and the visiting was top notch.  The wind was also top notch which made the picture taking a little hard.
We all attempted to catch an Easter nap this afternoon but Ameliya's on her "no naps during the full moon" strike so she and I didn't sleep.  We had a nice family night and ended it with hot beef plates - my favorite!

Happy Easter, friends.  Remember, it's not just a holiday, it's an all year long celebration.  Jesus died and rose again for YOU and for I.  Praise Him, Praise Him!

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