Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Shortened Up

Natalee had been adamant for the last couple of weeks that she wanted to cut her hair.  I try to put myself in my kids' shoes sometimes and think about what it's like to be so reliant on other people to help you through life.  When she asked me a couple of days ago if I'd made her a hair appointment yet I knew it was up to me to follow through.  I was struggling - I thought we were growing her hair out.  However her mind was made up that she really prefers it short - no ponytail, no fuss, no mess.  She really hates wearing her ball helmet with a ponytail.  And who am I to judge?  I think I actually prefer mine short, too.  I only grow it out because I'm either too lazy to go get it cut or I think I want it long because long looks pretty on my sisters.

So today, off we went to Miss Abby and we both got ours chopped off.  Natalee was right - short hair does suit her well.  Abby left it long in the front and shortened the back, just like Natalee wanted.
She's so pleased.  She's pleased with the cut but also pleased she got to choose.  Sweet girl making grown up decisions like hair styles.

Before - it was brushed but we didn't wet it down or anything so the "slept on" look is what you get.  But you can see the length she lost.  She also lost the straggly-ness and unkempt look.

Great choice, Natalee and a big thanks to Miss Abby!

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