Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy 34th, Daddy!

Mike turned 34 yesterday.  He started his morning by taking the big kids and his dad shooting at my sis's farm.
Turns out our little aces aren't bad shots (at 12-13 feet).
Xavier does have a lovely bruise on his center forehead where a pistol he was shooting kicked back and bopped him.  Ouchie.

His mom had lunch for us all and then an Easter egg hunt for the kids.
Ready to hunt!



(Baby Corner: Mia & Rogan)



Mike got a paintball gun from his family for his birthday and promptly went outside to play like the big kid he is. 
Mia is a professional with the presents since she just had a birthday so she was the helper.

It was a good day surrounded by family and love!  Happy birthday, babe.  We're so blessed to have you!

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