Sunday, April 5, 2015

She's One. And I'm So Glad She's Our's.

Ameliya turned one last week.  Although as parents we sometimes want time to stand still, it rarely does, and so the days march on, one after another, bringing milestones and memories with them.  
On the 28th - her birthday eve...
Ameliya's birthday was on a Sunday.  I've given up birthday parties (not quite my thing) and instead traded them for birthday desserts with the children's grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins.  Since it was a Sunday my folks had us for lunch and we had Mike's family join us for dessert. 

Mia started her birthday before church by having a great time with her new play house.  We left it inside for a couple of days before booting it to the porch - she loves it every time we go out!

Brother and sister also had gifts for her.
 Brother picked out a baby music player. 
 And sis chose clip-clop horses (so cute!).

After church and lunch we put the birthday girl down for a little nap so she could party later.  
Her face when she realizes the singing is all for her.  Be still my heart.
She loved her cake but she did not smash it.  She ate it.  Quite seriously.
 Okay, maybe she did get a little messy with the ice cream.
I think overall it was quite a happy first birthday for a little girl.  We're so blessed to have her in our world!

(I'm posting a little out of order but I forgot - Mia's birthday actually started the day before on the 28th - she had two loved ones stop by to bring her gifts!)

And the sweet birthday girl on her birthday...

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