Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Pom Pom Play

After watching Mia spend 45 minutes transferring sidewalk chalk from one bucket to another I decided I needed to play into her "interests" more when I wanted her to have some sit down time.  Thus, the birth of the pom pom bucket.  Let me tell ya - this was TOUGH to make.  An old wipe container and a bag of poms from the Dollar Tree that I had in the craft drawer.  She loves it.  

 Of course, any game is more fun when your big sis cheers for you constantly.
My sister suggested I could do poms and a water bottle - I just have to dry one out.  That would make it easier to travel. 

She found this pan on the floor and added to her play.
 Fun, cheap and easy to put together.  Win!

Bonus cute picture:

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