Tuesday, January 20, 2015


We have been exposed to sickness again (and again and again and again) and are being as proactive as possible each time.  Yesterday Xavier started whining and said his head hurt and had a tickly cough.  While it's quite likely it's the weather that's continually changing (50* this week in January!), we gave him Emergen-C, his daily dose of Elderberry and then I wanted him to take some olive leaf.  Olive leaf has been great to kick sickness for us all winter and I truly think it's helped keep us well when taken as a preventative.  I usually open up the capsules and put them into applesauce or something for the kids to eat.  I won't lie - it's pretty gross.  This morning Xavier just really didn't want to eat it.  So we offered him the capsules and a glass of milk. 
And...he did it!
He walked a little taller after he swallowed those!  So proud!

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