Mia has been a busy busy baby this week. On Tuesday my Facebook status compared her to the naughty kitty in the book Cookie's Week because every time I turned around she'd made another mess.
She'd upturned a 1/2 full humidifier tank, dug through a trash and more. Every time I turned around she was busily into something or doing something more daring that I wished she would.
She tested the playroom boundary by sitting as close to the edge of the area rug as possible...
...and pulled on the towels to open the oven door (it wasn't on but the towels still got taken down and the gate is going up to keep her out when I'm not in there).
She tested the playroom boundary by sitting as close to the edge of the area rug as possible...
...and pulled on the towels to open the oven door (it wasn't on but the towels still got taken down and the gate is going up to keep her out when I'm not in there).
The week continued in fashion on Wednesday morning when she fell off the bed and gave herself a terrible instant bruise.
The head crash obviously didn't make her any less daring on her puppy.
I ruthlessly tried to tame her. Or at least keep up with her. I even used the power of television which is a rare rare thing for a baby in our home. (Someone please tell me 20 minutes of Baby Signing Time won't damage her growing brain?)
Today she sprouted up with a new tooth! (#7)...
If you can ignore the messy food face, the tooth is to the right of her middle set on the bottom as you are looking at her. It's just barely there but it's through!
Ever tried to get a picture of a new short tooth on a busy, messy, silly little girl?
Besides the new tooth, little mini decided to bless Daddy with a new word tonight!
He's been asking her regularly to say Dada for about three months. Tonight at supper when he asked she just looked straight at him and said it...with a grin...an ornery one.
She's becoming a fast crawler and pulling up to everything. I finally went and got out the walking push toy for her. Surprisingly she was very timid with it (for now) but is enjoying playing with it with the wheels locked.
Have I told you how much we love and enjoy this cookie and how much spice she is bringing to our lives?
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