Monday, January 19, 2015

Co-op Kick-off

Friday morning brought two VERY excited scholars to our house as it was kick-off for our spring semester of co-op classes. 
Natalee is in ballet (and I'm teaching - yee hee!), and Xavier is doing Lego club.  I LOVE that their classes are at the same time so after the hour and a half we all go home together.

Mike and I are also teaching a monthly Art Appreciation class.  Saturday we taught Pablo Picasso and, focusing on his blue period, we taught a lesson in color mixing.  We used a base color and taught them to add white to make a tint, black to make a shade, and other colors to mix into new colors.  The children had a really good time.  I was especially proud of the little boy who used his white and black to make gray.  Xavier never did get around to painting an actual picture as he was too focused on mixing colors.  Every few minutes he would exclaim "hey, come look at what ____ and ____ make when you mix them together!!"

We so love homeschooling our children, but it is very fun to get together with other like-minded families and let the children learn in a group once in awhile!  We feel very blessed to have both options!

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